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GLIDE Wellcome Open Research Gateway logo

GLIDE is excited to announce the launch of a Wellcome Open Research Gateway dedicated to ethics, infectious disease, and global health. 

It doesn’t require much argument to make the case that attention to ethics, infectious disease and global health has never been more important. The GLIDE Gateway represents a timely new platform for publishing high-impact, open access peer-reviewed articles focusing on this area. It will create living resource for cutting edge analysis and discussion in this increasingly important but overlooked area.

The Gateway will be an inclusive space for diverse voices from across the globe, and create a community of scholars working on these topics. It will join related Collections on Wellcome Open Research (WOR) from Epidemic Ethics and the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research, creating a growing presence on WOR for global health ethics content.

The Gateway launches with an editorial from the GLIDE team and a joint blog by Epidemic Ethics and GLIDE, highlighting the importance of bioethics and how open research can support the bioethics the community.

Researchers who have received funding from GLIDE or other Wellcome mechanisms can publish their work in the Gateway rapidly and easily.  

Visit Wellcome Open Research to read the articles already published on the GLIDE Gateway and to find out about submitting your work.