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Debora Diniz, Ilana Ambrogi, Luciana Brito, and Arbel Griner accepting the Global Health Ethics Leadership Award at the 2023 Oxford Global Health and Bioethics International Conference.

GLIDE was delighted to present the 2023 Global Health Ethics Leadership Award to Professor Debora Diniz and colleagues at University of Brasília, Anis and Fòs Feminista, including Ilana Ambrogi, Luciana Brito, and Arbel Griner.

The award was presented by Professor Patricia Kingori who highlighted the importance of the work of Professor Diniz and colleagues, including in shaping our understanding of reproductive rights, research ethics, prison systems and disability rights.

Professor Diniz delivered a powerful key note speech centred on the voices and experiences of women and children during Zika and Covid-19. She highlighted the important role bioethics plays in being an active witness, with a duty to speak truth to power and challenge oppression.

The award recognises leaders who have transformed and made a sustained contribution to the field of bioethics. It was made on the final day of the 2023 Oxford Global Health & Bioethics International Conference, held at Keble College, University of Oxford.